
Uterine prolapse

Utrovaginal prolapse is also known as uterine prolapse. The condition is characterized by the slipping or protrusion of the uterus into the vagina due to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. The symptoms of uterine prolapse include a feeling of pelvic pulling, urinary incontinence, tissue bulging from angina, and discomfort or pressure in the lower back.

Our Offerings

  • Diagnosis of Uterine Prolapse: There are several methods for diagnosing uterine prolapse. The doctor performs a thorough pelvic examination by inserting the speculum and viewing the vagina and uterus. The doctor would feel if there is any bulge due to the dropping of the uterus into the vaginal canal. The patients may also be asked to perform certain activities, such as straining, coughing, or holding pee, to detect the weakness in the pelvic muscles.
  • Pessary: The gynecologist may recommend placing the vaginal pessary, which that helps prop up the bulging uterus. It is made up of plastic or rubber and is in the form of a doughnut. The gynecologist fits this device in the lower section of the uterus (cervix). The pessary should be frequently cleaned. It should be removed before sexual intercourse.
  • Exercise: In patients with mild uterine prolapse, the doctor advises the patients to perform Kegel exercises that help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. During the Kegel exercise, the patient is asked to tighten the pelvic floor muscles, like holding back urine. The muscles are held for a few seconds and then released. The process is repeated ten times. The exercise can be done up to four times a day.
  • Surgery: The type of surgical intervention depends upon the severity of the prolapse. The surgeon may put the uterus back in its place. The pelvic ligaments are reattached to the lower uterine part to keep it suspended. The surgery may be performed through the abdomen or vagina. The doctor may also recommend a hysterectomy that removes the complete uterus. It is a major surgery, and the woman may not get pregnant. Hysterectomy may be abdominal or vaginal.