
Surgery Critical Care

The surgery critical care unit comprises doctors trained in critical surgical care, experienced nurses, and advanced equipment to deliver the best healthcare facilities for diagnosing, supporting, and treating critically ill patients after surgery. The various surgical issues managed at the surgical critical care unit include hemodynamic instability, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, acute respiratory distress syndrome, abdominal sepsis, multiple organ dysfunction, acute renal failure, stress ulceration, candida infections, coagulopathy, post-operative infections, and complications related to anesthesia and sedation.

Our Offerings

Diseases and conditions

  • Post-operative care: Patients require adequate care after the surgery. The type of post-surgical care depends on the type of surgery. Adequate post-operative care, in the hospital and at home, improves the outcome of surgery and reduces the risk of complications. It involves monitoring vital parameters, taking care of the wound, administering antibiotics and other medications, and early diagnosis and management of post-operative complications.
  • Acute Intestinal Obstruction Management: Based on the cause of obstruction, intestinal obstruction may be mechanical or paralytic. The mechanical causes include scar tissues or adhesions formed after the surgery, impacted stool, hernia, gallstones, and tumors obstructing the intestine. Paralytic obstruction may be due to abdominal or pelvic surgery, infections, nerve and muscle disorders, retroperitoneal hemorrhage, and certain medications, such as antidepressants and analgesics. The initial management of intestinal obstruction involves correcting the physiological dysfunction that had occurred due to obstruction. The surgical critical care unit experts may use arterial canalization, bladder catheter for urine output, and cardiovascular and pulmonary monitoring devices. In addition, the team manages electrolyte depletion and hypovolemia along with volume resuscitation.
  • Polytrauma: It is a condition in which the patients suffer from injuries to multiple body parts. Polytrauma is generally due to blast-related events, motor vehicle accidents, homicide, and suicide attempts. Patients with polytrauma may experience a traumatic brain injury, amputation, visual and auditory damage, post-traumatic stress disorder, spinal cord injury, and burns.
  • Post-craniotomy: Craniotomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing an area of bone from the skull to get access to the brain for diagnosing and treating brain disorders. The conditions that require craniotomy are brain tumors, aneurysms, brain abscess, hemorrhage, epilepsy, brain abscess, and skull fractures. Given the complications of the surgery, patients after craniotomy require high-quality care. The patients are continuously monitored, especially for any neurological adverse event. Appropriate wound care is provided at the intensive care unit. Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, severe headache, constipation, and poor balance are managed accordingly.
  • Post-pediatric Surgery: Pediatric surgery may have certain complications, such as wound infection, hemorrhage, shock, urinary retention, wound infection, reaction to anesthesia, and lung problems. The child may also experience pain and discomfort after the surgery. Evidence-based management options are implemented to minimize complications and reduce discomfort in pediatric patients after surgery.
  • Post-cardiac Surgery: Several state-of-the-art and advanced treatment centers have specialized intensive care units for delivering the best healthcare facilities to patients after cardiac surgery. The patients are continuously monitored during the critical phase of recovery post cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.
  • Post-transplant Care: The critical care unit for transplant delivers appropriate care to the patients after organ transplantation surgery. The care at the critical care unit after a transplant requires specialized expertise and collaboration with doctors from other departments.

Procedures and treatments

  • Elective Mechanical Ventilation: Elective mechanical ventilation may be required in patients after surgery to improve breathing. Patients with wide hemodynamic instability and prolonged surgical duration may undergo elective mechanical ventilation at the surgical critical care unit.
  • Hemodynamic Stabilization: A patient is said to be hemodynamically stable when there is appropriate blood circulation with stable heart pumping. The team at the surgical ICU implements several strategies, such as drugs, fluids, other therapies, or their combinations, to ensure hemodynamic stability.
  • Infection Prevention: Patients are at increased risk of developing infections after the surgery due to exposure to inner tissues. There are guidelines in place at the hospitals to control hospital-acquired infections. The measures for preventing infection in the ICU include practicing an aseptic technique, improving surface cleaning, preventing contact transfer, and avoiding device-related infections.