
Peripheral Arterial Disease

Peripheral vascular diseases are related to diseases of blood vessels outside the brain and heart. Patients with this condition experience altered skin characteristics, infertility, loss of hair in their legs, severe pain, and reduced mobility.

Our Offerings

  • Clinical Evaluation: The clinical evaluation of the PAD includes blood tests(such as high cholesterol, diabetes, and high triglyceride) and imaging tests (such as ultrasound, ankle-brachial index, and angiography).
  • Non-invasive Vascular Lab Assessment: Generally, two types of non-vascular laboratory assessment techniques are used for peripheral arterial disease. The indirect methods include segmental limb pressures and Doppler waveforms. The direct method includes color duplex imaging.
  • Hybrid Revascularization: It is the combination of open surgery and endovascular therapy for the management of peripheral arterial disease. The advantages include reduced blood loss, shorter hospital stays, and improved surgical outcomes.
  • Peripheral Angioplasty / Stenting: The procedure is performed to open the obstructed arteries with the use of a catheter and balloon. If required, the surgeon may place a stent in the artery to keep it open.
  • Atherectomy: It is a method that involves the removal of plaque from the artery.
  • Use of Drug-Coated Balloons / Stents: Drug-coated balloons improves the overall outcomes of peripheral angioplasty by locally delivering the drugs that prevent stenosis.
  • Thoracofemoral Bypass: This procedure treats aortoiliac occlusive disease in patients not eligible for traditional aortobifemoral bypass.
  • Aortofemoral Bypass: This procedure bypasses the damaged blood vessels in the groin and the abdomen.
  • Axillofemoral Bypass: This procedure involves creating a bypass from one axillary artery to a single or both femoral arteries. It is considered the last option for limb salvage in high-risk patients suffering from aortoiliac disease.
  • Other Bypass Surgeries: The other bypass surgeries include iliofemoral bypass, femoropopliteal bypass, femorotibial bypass, and carotid subclavian bypass.
  • Stem Cell Therapy: It is an advanced treatment option for patients with peripheral arterial disease who have not benefited from the other treatment options. Studies have reported that stem cell transplants help treat vascular diseases.