
Liver disorders

Liver is the largest internal organ and performs several essential functions. As the liver detoxifies harmful substances, reduced liver function results in the accumulation of toxic substances, negatively affecting other organs' health.

Our Offerings

  • Acute Hepatitis: This condition is characterized by acute liver inflammation due to various diseases. An acute injury to the liver cells results in elevated liver function parameters. Typically, if the inflammation lasts less than 6 months, the condition is categorized as acute hepatitis. For the optimal management, the exact cause of acute hepatitis should be detected.
  • Chronic Hepatitis: Chronic hepatitis is a condition that involves liver inflammation that lasts more than 6 months. The common causes of chronic liver failure are hepatitis B and C viral infections, alcohol-related liver disease, and fatty liver disease. The other causes include autoimmune hepatitis, celiac disease, and primary biliary cholangitis.
  • Acute Liver Failure: Patients with acute liver failure experience a rapid loss in liver function, possibly, in days or weeks. These patients have no medical history of liver disease. The condition is also called fulminant hepatic failure. Acute liver failure may result in severe complications, such as increased intracranial pressure and bleeding.
  • Chronic Liver Disease: Chronic liver disease results in a progressive deterioration in the functional status of the liver. There are several types of chronic liver diseases, such as alcoholic liver disease, chronic viral hepatitis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, autoimmune liver disease, and genetic disorders (Wilson disease and hereditary hemochromatosis).
  • Cirrhosis: Cirrhosis is a serious liver complication caused due to various liver diseases, such as hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. The patients have scarring in the liver.
  • Ascites: It involves the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. It may be due to cirrhosis. Ascites is caused due to low levels of albumin and high pressure in particular liver veins.
  • Liver Cancer: Patients with liver cancer have uncontrolled growth and division of the liver cells. The most common liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Fatty Liver Disease: It involves the accumulation of fat in the liver. Most patients with fatty liver disease may not have symptoms. However, in some cases, the condition progresses to cause liver failure.