
Invasive ICU Procedures

Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are specialized units equipped with advanced and highly sophisticated instruments for the constant monitoring of patients. invasive ICU procedures allow the doctor and paramedical staff to monitor and deliver the drugs without causing discomfort to the patients. Some invasive procedures, such as invasive mechanical ventilation, assist in saving the lives of critically ill patients.

Our Offerings

  • Arterial and Central Lines: Arterial line is a flexible tube inserted into the artery of the arm, wrist, foot, or groin. It is important to insert an arterial line during certain surgeries, especially cardiac surgery. Through the arterial line, the anesthesiologists monitor blood pressure during the surgery. The arterial line also allows doctors to draw blood samples during or after the procedure. A central line is a flexible tube attached to a large vein in the upper chest, neck, or groin. It allows the delivery of drugs and nutrition to the patients during and after the surgery. In addition, certain drugs that irritate the small vessels are delivered through the central line.
  • Bronchoscopy: It is a procedure that allows doctors to visualize the lungs and the air passages. Pulmonologists usually perform bronchoscopy. During bronchoscopy, the doctor inserts a bronchoscope, a long, thin tube fitted with a video camera, into the mouth or nose and guides it down to the airway passage and the lungs. A bronchoscope is generally flexible; however, in cases where there is bleeding or obstruction, a rigid bronchoscope is inserted. The risks associated with bronchoscopy include collapsed lungs, bleeding, and fever.
  • Mechanical Ventilation: It is a therapy that allows patients to breathe when they cannot breathe independently. Mechanical ventilation is performed on the patient during surgery or when the lungs of the patient are not working effectively. Mechanical ventilation does not treat the disease; rather, it provides time for the body to respond to treatment and recover. Mechanical ventilation provides oxygen to patients, removes carbon dioxide from the body, and prevents the lungs from collapsing by keeping the alveoli open. Invasive mechanical ventilation involves delivering positive air pressure through a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube.


Some of the risks associated with a central line include:

  • Accidental removal: The patients may have their central lines dislodged from their place and require the insertion of a new line.
  • Infection: Although central line insertion is safe, some patients may get an infection at the insertion site.
  • Blood clot: Some patients experience a blood clot in the vein. In such cases, the doctor removes the central line and prescribes blood thinners to the patient.
  • Bleeding: There may be bleeding or bruising during the insertion of the line, especially when there is a disruption of the blood clotting mechanism.
  • Other risks: The other risks with the central line include cardiovascular instability (alteration in heart rhythm), pulmonary damage, and obstruction.

Bronchoscopy is performed for the following reasons:

  • To diagnose a lung infection
  • Detecting the cause of pulmonary dysfunction
  • Stent placement to maintain the airway's opening
  • Obtaining lung tissue sample (biopsy)
  • Treatment of pneumothorax, narrow airways, and bleeding