
Heart Attack Services

Patients with heart attacks have reduced or blocked blood flow to the heart. This blockage may be due to the accumulation of cholesterol and other substances in the coronary arteries. Patients experience chest pain, sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and indigestion. Women may have sharp pain in the neck, back, and arm.

The treatment aims to improve the flow of blood to the heart. The mechanisms for improving blood flow through treatments are:

  • Reduction in blood clotting, thereby allowing blood flow through a narrowed artery
  • Breaking of the clots that are preventing blood flow
  • Widening of the blood vessels to allow smooth blood flow
  • Reduction in blood pressure and slowing heartbeat, thereby limiting damage to heart muscles
  • Lowering unhealthy cholesterol thereby lowering the risk of blockage

Our Offerings

  • Diagnosis of a Heart Attack: Electrocardiogram helps determine if the patient had a heart attack. An echocardiogram shows blood movement through the heart and valves and finds the damaged area of the heart. A Cchest X-ray: determines the size of the lungs and the heart. Heart proteins are released in the blood due to heart damage. These proteins are identified in the blood through blood tests. Angiography is used to determine the blockage in the blood vessels. This procedure uses a special dye and X-ray to obtain images of the blood vessels.
  • Medications: The doctor prescribes several medications depending upon the severity of the heart attack, the extent of blockage, and underlying risk factors. These medications assist in maintaining the blood flow through the arteries and preventing the recurrence of a heart attack.
  • Coronary Angioplasty: In this procedure, the surgeon removes the blockage from the arteries. A wire with a deflated balloon is guided to the site of the blockage. The balloon is inflated to widen the artery and improve blood flow. The surgeon also places a stent to reduce the risk of narrowing the artery again.
  • Atherectomy: Sometimes, the plaque in the arteries is so hard (due to calcification) that it is not removed through balloon angioplasty. In such cases the surgeon inserts a device in the artery to cut the plaque before balloon angioplasty and stenting.
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG): In cases such as multiple blockages, the doctor may advise the patient to undergo bypass surgery. It is open heart surgery. In this surgery, the surgeon creates a new path for blood flow to the heart by taking a healthy vessel from another body part. It may also be performed as an emergency surgery after a heart attack.
  • Cardiac rehabilitation: During cardiac rehabilitation, the patients are informed about the measures for improving heart health. The patients are advised to enroll in a cardiac rehabilitation program after heart surgery. It involves caring for the heart through a healthy diet, routine exercise, and stress management.
  • 24-hrs Consultant-led Primary PCI Services: 24-hrs consultant-led primary PCI services offer several advantages to patients. It allows immediate and effective management of heart attacks during an emergency.