
Dental Services

Teeth are one of the most important components of the overall appearance. Therefore, it is important to maintain dental health, not only because of cosmetic concerns but also because diseased teeth increase the risk of several other diseases. Several treatment options and diagnostic procedures are available to improve overall dental health.

Our offerings

  • Braces: Dental braces are also known as orthodontic cases. These are used to correct crooked or crowded teeth and misaligned jaws (malocclusion of teeth). These are generally used during adolescence, but an increasing number of adults are opting for braces later in life. Braces are made of metal and ceramics. They are used along with bonding material and wires that attach them to the teeth. People may also opt for invisible braces or clear aligners that work similarly to metal braces but are comparatively less visible. Bonding is the process of fixing the attachments on the enamel with adhesive resins. The process of bonding includes cleaning and conditioning the enamel followed by sealing and bonding the attachment. Debonding is the process of removing the attachments and cleaning up the residual adhesive.
  • Bleaching: Bleaching is a procedure for whitening discolored teeth. Compared to other methods, such as crowing, veneering, and bonding, it is a cost-effective and simple method. The tooth-whitening options make use of peroxide-based bleaching agents. The concentration of peroxide in the home care kits is lower (3% to 20%) than the concentration used by the dentists (15% to 43%). The dentist, along with the chemical agents, may also use light, heat, or a combination of the two to intensify and speed up the whitening process.
  • Dentures: Dentures are artificial teeth that are replacements for missing teeth. The surrounding hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity support the dentures. There are several types of dentures. The full dentures, also known as complete dentures, comprise the lower and upper sets. These are made of acrylic or porcelain and are held by a metal or acrylic base. The dentists may recommend partial dentures when the patient is missing a small number of teeth. Partial dentures are also used when the surrounding teeth are not strong enough to support dental bridges. Obturators are prostheses used to close acquired or congenital tissue openings in the hard palate. The types of obturators include surgical obturators, definitive obturators, and interim obturators. A night guard is a device that creates a protective barrier between the lower and upper teeth and protects the teeth from the damaging effects of clenching during sleep. TMJ splints are one of the treatment options for patients with temporomandibular joint disease to relieve pain and improve joint function.
  • Endodontics: Endodontics is a sub-specialty of dentistry that focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and treating diseases related to the pulp and surrounding tissues. The dental pulp is present as a soft tissue in the center of the tooth. Root canal treatment is a process performed to repair and save the tooth, which may otherwise be removed completely. It also provides relief from dental pain.
  • Extractions: Tooth extraction is the process in which the dental surgeon removes the tooth completely from the socket. There are several reasons for tooth extraction, such as severe decay or damage. It eliminates bacteria and enhances overall oral health. The surgical tooth extractions are performed under anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision into the gums and removes the tooth. The surgeon removes the bone if it is blocking access to the root. Surgical intervention is also implemented for the removal of the impacted wisdom tooth.
  • Facial Trauma: Dentists also play a major role in managing traumatic facial injuries. Dental surgeons fix the jaw misalignment and replace the chipped or broken tooth.
  • Fluorosis Management: Dental fluorosis is a cosmetic condition due to the overexposure of teeth to fluoride. The symptoms of dental fluorosis depend upon the severity, classified as mild, moderate, and severe. Fortunately, most cases of dental fluorosis are only a cosmetic concern rather than a health concern. The management options include composite restorations, micro/macro abrasion, veneers, bleaching, and full crowns. Other conservative techniques would be resin infiltration and tooth jewelry technique.
  • Gum treatment: There are several treatment options for gum disease. The surgeon recommends the treatment based on severity. The stages of gum disease are gingivitis, periodontitis, and severe periodontitis. The non-surgical options include scaling and root planing, professional dental cleaning, and customized non-surgical treatment. The surgical interventions include flap surgery/pocket reduction surgery, bone grafts, soft tissue grafts, bone surgery, and guided tissue regeneration.
  • Implants: Dental implant surgery involves the replacement of tooth roots with screw-like devices. It offers a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth. The advantages of dental implants are improved speech, appearance, comfort, durability, along with improved oral health and self-esteem. Generally, the success rate of dental implants is 98%. Dental implants last a lifetime if properly cared for.
  • Orthognathic Surgery: It is also known as jaw surgery. The dental surgeon, with orthognathic surgery, realigns the jaws and teeth and corrects the jawbone irregularities. It helps in improving their function and enhances facial appearance. Jaw problems may either be congenital, such as cleft lip and palate or under or open bite, or due to injuries or medical conditions, such as temporomandibular joint disorders, cysts and tumors, and facial fractures. These conditions require orthognathic surgeries for correction.
  • Pediatric Dentistry: Pediatric dentistry is a specialized branch of dentistry that involves caring for oral health from infancy to teen years. The services offered by pediatric dentists include habit counseling for thumb sucking, preventive dental care, repairing teeth defects and cavities, infant dental examination, gum disease management, and treatment of dental injuries.
  • Restorations: The other name for restoration is filling. During restoration, the dentists fill the teeth with special material to manage the dental cavities and to correct the defects present on the tooth surface. Glass ionomer cements (GICs) and composite resins are the substances used as fillers.
  • Smile Design: It is a cosmetic procedure that involves correcting tooth imperfections and restoring the dental appearance and overall dental health. The methods used in smile design include teeth whitening, implants, dentures, and gum bleaching.
  • Veneers: Veneers are the materials used to cover the front teeth' surface to enhance their appearance. Dentists recommend veneers in several conditions, such as chipped or broken teeth, stained teeth (due to medication or exposure to fluoride), misaligned teeth, the gap between teeth, and discoloration due to large resin fillings. Dental veneers are made of resin composite materials or porcelain.

Diagnostic procedures

  • X-Ray: Dentists perform an x-ray to determine the health of your teeth and diagnose various dental conditions related to the jaw bones and roots. The types of dental x-rays include periapical (also known as intraoral or wall-mounted), cephalometric, and panoramic.
  • Radiovisiography: It is an advanced imaging technique in dentistry that provides high quality dental images with reduced radiation exposure. It helps diagnose tumors, cysts or abscesses, and dental decay, detect tooth fractures or damage to the underlying bone and tracks the development of permanent teeth in children.