
Cardiac Monitoring devices

Cardiac monitoring devices are devices used to get vital information about heart disorders. Several cardiac event monitors are available, such as loop memory monitors, symptom event monitors, patch recorders, and implanted loop recorders. The recorder collects those events that do not occur every day but may cause complications if they remain undiagnosed.

Our Offerings

  • Ambulatory Monitoring (Holter and Blood Pressure): Holter monitoring of blood pressure involves measuring the patient's blood pressure over the course of 24 hours in a normal environment while performing normal activities. A Holter monitor is a wearable electronic device that records the heart rhythm. In addition, the device is used to detect masked and sustained hypertension.
  • Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE): This technique uses ultrasound waves to obtain heart images. The images allow the doctor to evaluate the valves, chambers, and blood vessels of the heart. TTE aims to determine the causes of various cardiological conditions, such as a heart murmur, chest pain, shortness of breath, and edema.
  • Transesophageal Echocardiography (TOE): Transesophageal echocardiography allows the doctor to obtain images of heat from inside the body. It helps diagnose several heart conditions, such as blood clots, congenital heart disease, cardiac tumors, and heart valve disease. As the images are taken from the esophagus, TOE is particularly useful for evaluating the left atrium, left atrial appendage, thoracic aorta, and interatrial septum.
  • Stress Echocardiography (SE): This test is done to determine the health of the heart and the arteries, especially when put under stress. The patients are advised to exercise on a stationary bike or a treadmill while the doctor evaluates the functioning of the heart (including heart rhythm and blood pressure).
  • Bubble studies: Bubble study is also known as a saline contrast study. While performing a standard echocardiogram, the doctor administers a salt solution containing small bubbles intravenously. The bubbles are seen during the echocardiogram. It provides additional information about the flow of blood through the heart.
  • Electrocardiogram: It is a test related to the heart and is done to obtain information about the heart rhythm and electrical activity. The test is done by attaching several sensors to the skin to detect the signals produced by the heart.