
Basic Laparoscopic Procedures

Laparoscopic surgery is performed with a laparoscope, a thin, long tube with a video camera at the end. It is inserted through a tiny hole to assist the surgeon during surgery. Basic laparoscopic procedures help remove the gallbladder, appendix, adhesions, and benign breast masses (lumps).

Our Offerings

  • Diagnostic Laparoscopy: Laparoscopy is performed to diagnose various diseases. The procedure is one of the most precise ways to take the sample tissues for further analysis. In addition, it is used to detect the cause of acute and chronic abdominal pain. The causes that can be diagnosed with laparoscopy are appendicitis, pelvic infections, a mass in the GIT, and abdominal bleeding.
  • Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis: Scar tissues are formed between the organs after inflammation or surgery as a part of the healing process. These scar tissues are known as adhesions and may result in pain, obstruction, and discomfort. Adhesions are commonly found in the pelvic and abdominal regions. Laparoscopic adhesiolysis is performed to remove the adhesions.
  • Laparoscopic Appendectomy: It is a minimally invasive surgery performed to remove the appendix. The surgeon creates a small hole in the abdomen during this procedure and inserts the laparoscope. Once the diseased appendix is detected, a few small holes are made to insert the instruments. The appendix is removed by surgical instruments under the guidance of the laparoscope.
  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: It is a minimally invasive surgery to remove the gallbladder. Compared to a single large incision made during open cholecystectomy, laparoscopic cystectomy involves making small holes in the abdomen to perform the surgery. As a result, the patient has less bleeding, pain, and discomfort and has an early recovery after the laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
  • Bariatric Surgery for Morbid Obesity: Laparoscopic bariatric surgery has significant advantages over open surgery for morbidly obese patients. These advantages are even more pronounced than those offered by laparoscopic cholecystectomy and Nissen fundoplication because open surgery on the morbidly obese patient causes relatively more complications. The weight-loss results were similar in both open surgery and laparoscopic bariatric surgery.
  • Benign Breast Diseases: There is a common prevalence of benign breast diseases among women. Laparoscopic surgery has emerged as a safe, effective, and cosmetically favorable surgical option for managing these diseases. The benign breast diseases include fibroadenomas, traumatic fat necrosis, mammary duct ectasia, hyperplasia, breast cysts, Intraductal papilloma, and fibrocystic breast changes.