
Outpatient Thearpy Services

Outpatient therapy services are delivered to patients recovering from an illness or after undergoing surgery. The services are provided at a rehabilitation or therapy center or at home. The goals of the outpatient therapy services include early recovery, restoring muscular and skeletal function, and normalizing daily activities.

Our Offerings

  • Interferential Therapy: It is a type of electrotherapy that involves sending smaller, high- quality electrical impulses to the damaged tissues. The effects of interferential therapy include vasodilation, increased blood circulation, reduction in pain, swelling, and inflammation, enhanced muscle stimulation, reduced blood pressure, an increased metabolic rate, and restored muscle movement.
  • Traction Therapy: It is a type of decompression therapy.that involves the use of pulling forces at the spinal column axis. It changes the position or stabilizes the damage in the spine. Traction therapy may be manual or mechanical.
  • Ultrasound Therapy: It is a non-invasive method to provide relief from chronic pain. The therapy involves the penetration of sound waves into soft tissues. It increases blood flow, enhances tissue heating, and relieves pain.
  • Hydrocollator Packs: Hydrocollator packs comprise bentonite clay and other fillings that help reduce joint pain, inflammation, strains, and congestion. They also reduce muscle spasms and relieve the muscle soreness that occurs due to physical activity.
  • Electric Stimulation: Electric stimulation therapy mimics the actions of the impulses generated by the nerve cells. These signals cause the muscles to contract, improve blood circulation, and enhance muscle healing.
  • Exercise Therapy: In exercise therapy, the physiotherapist will prescribe movements that assist in correcting the impairments and restoring skeletal and muscular function.
  • TENS Therapy: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) therapy uses low-voltage electric currents to manage pain. TENS therapy is believed to work by stimulating nerve cells, thereby modifying the perception of pain.
  • Pneumatic Compression: It is performed through an intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) device or compression sleeve that helps maintain the blood flow, thereby reducing the risk of the formation of blood clots. It is used in people with reduced physical activity while recovering from surgery or illness.
  • Laser Therapy: A low-intensity laser is used in laser therapy to manage pain caused by soft tissue damage. It enhances tissue repair and restores cellular function.