
Diabetic Foot Ulcers

A diabetic foot ulcer is a wound in the foot of people with diabetes.It is commonly found at the bottom of the foot. In addition, many people with diabetic foot ulcers may have their feet amputated due to tissue damage and necrosis.

Our Offerings

  • Ulcer Management: It is important to manage diabetic foot ulcers to prevent its progression and limb amputation. Diabetic foot ulcer treatment includes infection management, wound debridement, revascularization, and offloading ulcers.
  • Wound reconstruction By Flaps/grafts: Several types of flaps can be used during the reconstruction in patients with a diabetic foot ulcer. However, flap reconstruction in diabetic foot ulcers is difficult due to limited perfusion in the distal extremity. In this procedure, the surgeon takes healthy live tissue and places it in areas with damaged skin, fat, or muscles. The procedure provides immediate wound closure and stops the inflammatory response and local tissue injury.
  • Limb salvage procedures: Limb salvage procedures aim to preserve the limb by removing the damaged tissues and some surrounding healthy tissues. The surgeon then implants bone grafts and artificial parts to replace the removed tissues. The procedure is conducted in patients with advanced diabetic foot infections and cancer of the ankle and foot bones.
  • Offloading surgeries: Offloading means avoiding pressure on the affected tissues. Several offloading techniques can be used in patients with a diabetic foot ulcers. These techniques include total-contact casts, wheelchairs, bed rest, felted foam dressings, padded socks, crutches, half shoes, shoe inserts, therapeutic shoes, and removable cast walkers.