Understanding Kidney Health: Insights from Nephrology Experts

The kidneys are essential organs that play a vital role in keeping our bodies functioning properly. However, we often take our kidney health for granted, neglecting proper care and attention until it’s too late.

What is Kidney Health?

Kidney health refers to maintaining the proper functioning of the kidneys, which involves filtering out the body's waste and regulating blood pressure. Our kidneys are responsible for filtering out toxins, excess fluids, and wastes from our blood, ensuring the body maintains a healthy balance of minerals, fluids, and nutrients. With our kidneys functioning optimally, we can avoid ailments such as kidney stones, infections, and kidney-related disorders.

How can we maintain Kidney Health?

To maintain kidney health, we must commit to healthy living habits and make lifestyle changes that promote kidney health. One of the most significant ways to maintain kidney health is by drinking plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps our kidneys filter out waste efficiently. Furthermore, maintaining a healthy diet with less salt and minimal processed foods can help avoid the burden on our kidney system. Consuming less alcohol and quitting smoking can also benefit our kidney health. Lastly, regular health check-ups can detect kidney health issues early on and help prevent complications.

What are the symptoms of Kidney-related Disorders?

Kidney-related disorders can lead to several health issues. Symptoms of kidney disease include edema ( swelling of legs & facial puffiness ), fatigue, changes in urination pattern, blood in urine, fluid retention, high blood pressure, kidney stones, and frequent infections. These symptoms may be hard to spot initially and may worsen over time.

How can Nephrology Professionals help?

Nephrology is the medical specialty concerned with kidney-related disorders. Nephrologists are physicians who undergo specialized care and training to diagnose and treat kidney illnesses and diseases. They are skilled in identifying the symptoms of kidney-related disorders as well as recommending therapies and medicines to help restore kidney health. Nephrologists can help maintain kidney health with early detection of diseases and offer recommendations to improve kidney-related issues.

How to find help from Nephrologists?

In case you detect any of the symptoms above, it's best to seek medical advice immediately. At Citizens Specialty Hospital, you can avail of best in class treatment for kidney disorders. Nephrology experts at Citizens Specialty Hospital provide hitech medical diagnosis and innovative treatments such as peritoneal dialysis, haemodialysis as well as pre-transplant preparatory treatments. The hospital is well-equipped with round the clock dialysis units, catheterization labs and emergency rooms, making sure you gain the best medical attention during kidney disorders.


Taking care of your kidneys is equally important as taking care of your heart. Understanding and maintaining kidney health is essential to avoid ailments related to the kidney. With regular check-ups from licensed professional nephrologists and maintaining healthy habits such as staying hydrated, eating healthy food and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking, alcohol, and processed food can help ensure your kidneys remain healthy and disease-free. So, take care of your filter engine and maintain kidney health for an optimal and healthy life.